Love Begin With Vigor After Failure

Defeat in love is very disheartening. You love some body dearly and he/she does not reciprocate your feelings at all. Or you have already gone a long distance with someone and he/she goes alone after that. Any failure in love and dating takes the strength away.

It kills something inside and the defeat makes another attempt look very difficult. Is this acceptable. Can life not be carried on after such defeats? Why get disheartened and blame ones fate? Why lower self-esteem? Why do all that self-beating?

Success is not our right, nor failure our destiny.

Life is a hurdle race. Every life has its ups and downs. The winner is one who gets up after falling again and again. You will say - Easier said than done. I agree. Failure in love is very destructive.

We invest quite a lot in love. After that when we face defeat, we feel cheated and helpless. We feel that fate has dealt poor cards to us. It is no doubt difficult to bear the pain.

What should be done? Analyze why this failure happened/ if you find any fault of your own, please correct it. If you find fault of your beloved, please forgive. Begin making contacts again. Search for your soul mate again. Have faith that this time you will get someone real good and worthy of your love. Forget the past.

Erase it. Look at it dispassionately and res energize yourself. It is difficult, but it can be done.

Thinking of past failure will only bring more pain. Visualize yourself becoming successful.

Think of all the good days that are waiting for you. Think of a future that will be very bright. Fight every negative feeling with something more positive. Don't give up. After every fall rise again. Success will be yours.

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Writing for romantic greeting cards, screensavers and desktop wallpapers is the hobby of CD Mohatta.

You can download romantic screensavers and also solve fun quizzes on love & dating. .

By: CD Mohatta

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